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We currently provide 15 fully funded hours for 3&4 years olds (from the term after a child’s 3rd birthday) and also offer places for FEET funded children. Some families are eligible for up to 30 fully funded hours. We do not currently offer these extended hours but are able to work with other providers to help eligible parents access 30 hours. Please briefly indicate any special requests or requirements about religious observance, food, clothing, health or other matters which may be relevant to your child’s time at Nursery.
A non-refundable fee of £30 will be charged to process your application (cheque payable to St. Michaels Community Nursery, or via BACS using your child’s name as a reference HSBC, sort code 40 19 22, acct number 31580108. For further information ring 01372 361021. Finally ~ please let us know how you found out about St Michael’s Community Nursery